“There’s a thread you follow. It goes among
things that change. But it doesn’t change.
People wonder about what you are pursuing.
You have to explain about the thread.”
-William Stafford
Hi there! I'm Kristopher, a writer, poet, and wilderness guide with Remembering Earth, an ecological rites of passage organization I co-founded with three wild-hearted friends in Western North Carolina on the unceded territorial lands of the Eastern Band of Cherokee.
My work is about the intersection of spirituality, ecology, and culture with an ear to the collective unconscious and supporting myself and others toward wholeness and creative expression with the wild world. I also focus on the experience of endings - we live in undeniably challenging times and I aim to keep one foot in that reality, making space for the truths that will grow ever more insistent with each passing year.
I have taught contemplative poetry at Hartford International University and Warren Wilson College, and I am currently a trustee of the Sacred Space Foundation in Northern England. I just published my first collection of poetry, Start Here, and I am also attending Appalachian State University as I work toward my Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with a concentration in Expressive Arts Therapy and have an expected graduation date of May, 2025.
I currently offer one-on-one holistic & nature-based therapy that utilizes a combination of dreamwork, somatics, eco-psychology, creative expression, ritual, and wilderness exploration. I also teach ongoing writing, dreamwork, and poetry containers both online and in-person, and lead group wilderness retreats in North Carolina and Southwest Montana.
You can learn more about me and my work here on my website, or you can check out my Instagram (@permissionbringer), or read my Substack newsletter, Poesis, where I take a deeper look at healing, therapy, eco-psychology, poetry, and more.
If you want to work together or find out more, I'm always happy to connect.